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A Cheerleaders Worst Nightmare...

Updated: May 6, 2021

As Nationals season is just around the corner, we are all anticipating the rush of cheer excitement, stress, and fun. All these feelings are commonly haunted by the “what if’s” in the cheer world. Let's go over a few things that may scare you going into the biggest events of the season, while also giving you tips to keep these from ruining your #cheergoals.

1. Having a bad cheer hair day Cheer hair disasters are terrifying. Stay positive and do not rush it. Give yourself enough time to get ready while leaving enough time to fix any imperfections before it is show time. Don’t forget the hairspray!

2. Running out of your favorite make up products! Make sure to check all your favorite products before leaving for the weekend so if you need more you have time to make a pit stop at Ulta! No one wants to run out of their go to products on comp day!

3. Your coach saying, “one more time.” AGAIN. You have already done it at least 6 times. A body can only take so much!! Take a breath and remember every rep makes you stronger.

4. Falling nightmares. Everyone has falling dreams some more intense than others. So much is at stake! Don’t let these dreams alter your confidence and strength. You’ve got this!

5. Running out of room for your cheer gear. Do we ever have enough cheer stuff? Technically, yes. But here’s the thing, new bows, scrunchies, sports bra, t-shirts, and shorts styles come out every year and we don’t have those ones yet. So really, the only thing holding us back is the possibility of running out of space to store them all‚ which would be horrifying!

6. Dropping a stunt. The crumble isn’t even the worst part. You know what we mean… Use your best technique and fight for it. Don’t let the competition stress and practice fatigue let that stunt come down. You can do it!

7. Forgetting your routine Going completely blank in front of the crowd might be the ultimate cheer nightmare. At least you can recover from making a mistake‚ you can’t just magically shake that blank space while you’re under pressure! If only you could magically disappear… Luckily, we are so afraid of these things that we do everything we can to keep them from happening in real life! But we also know that if we do our best and give our all, there’s nothing to worry about no matter what happens. Stay positive and trust in your training.

Good luck this Nationals season and bring home the gold!

It's your turn!

Comment below what else cheerleaders have nightmares about?

What is your worst cheer nightmare?

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